Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Seneca - Rock & Ice #183

Just hitting the stands is Rock & Ice's January issue, 183 with my Seneca Rocks article. Here are some thumbnails.


DanR said...

While I love the press on my and our favorite place, I take exception to the idea that none of the regulars do the 5.10s and harder. The author made it sound like we're all a bunch of bumbling noobs while it took a west coast climber to grace WV and experience the potential of Seneca. There are many of us who climb hard at Seneca.

Unknown said...

I agree with the above comment. This article ticked me off. It's amusing to me that there are two photos of Madmen Only in it (of two separate climbers) - I guess when you show up for a couple of days and only climb a handful of routes that's what happens. Also to base your discussion of Seneca 5.8 on a route on the lower slabs that your buddy put up (because all the better routes were established WAY before he was around) is further slop.

Blue Line Guide Service said...

The article started off well, but then fell into oblivion quickly. I just about puked in my mouth when I read the "being watched closely" and "The next morning word was out & everyone wanted to ask us about the 5.10s." comments.

Yeah buddy, your ascents were the talk of the town.

Were you really serious with this rubbish or just desperate for filler?

High Country Adventures said...

The photos are great. Haven't read the article, but the vibe I got from flipping through the photos at a party was all good. Keep up the good work..