Earlier in the spring I went back East with a few good friends to spend a week climbing and photographing at Seneca Rocks in West Virginia for
Rock & Ice Magazine. Unfortunately rain and snow kept us out for the first half of the week so we spent a few days climbing the sheltered overhangs at the Red River Gorge in Kentucky. I'd have to say that for me, the Red is THE best sport climbing I've done in North America. I had no endurance and got spanked on the long pumpy routes, but can't wait to take a vacation to go there and just climb.
Mid week the weather settled down so we headed out to Seneca. The January 2010 issue of Rock & Ice features an article on the trip and some of the climbers that have called Seneca home. If you haven't been to Seneca yet, you should check it out. The trad lines are a lot of fun. Here are a few teaser shots.
Seneca Rocks, West Virginia

Seneca Guidebook Author and local coffee shop owner, Tony Barnes

The start of spring at Seneca